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Class Constants holds some predefined values for use in the SDK.

All options with a 'LOGIN_' prefix


  • Constants




ADD_VIEW_ERROR_PHOTO_NOT_FOUND: string = "photo_not_found"

The add-view error when a photo could not be found

ADD_VIEW_ERROR_RENDER_MODE_NOT_AVAILABLE: string = "render_mode_not_available"

The add-view error when the requested render mode was not available

ADD_VIEW_ERROR_SLICE_INVALID: string = "slice_invalid"

The add-view error when a slice could not be created because the parameters were invalid or incomplete.

ADD_VIEW_ERROR_TOO_MANY_VIEWS: string = "too_many_views"

The add-view error when the maximum number of view is already open

CRS_WGS84: string = "4326"

The EPSG code of the well-known WGS84 coordinate reference system.

LOGINMODE_GUEST_CLOUD: string = "guest_cloud"

A value of the Constants.LOGIN_MODE login option.
Use this value to specify a guest login to the 3D Mapping Cloud.

LOGINMODE_GUEST_PUBLISHER: string = "guest_publisher"

A value of the Constants.LOGIN_MODE login option.
Use this value to specify a guest login to the 3DM Publisher. This login mode requires 2 extra options: LOGIN_HOST and LOGIN_PUBLICATION_NAME.

LOGINMODE_PUBLISHER: string = "publisher"

A value of the Constants.LOGIN_MODE login option.
Use this value to specify a login to the 3D Mapping Publisher.

LOGIN_BOOKMARK_PUBLIC_ID: string = "bookmarkPublicId"

Login option: The bookmark public identifier.
Use in combination with login mode Constants.LOGINMODE_CLOUD_GUEST to specify the bookmark to open.

LOGIN_HOST: string = "host"

Login option: The login host URL.
Use in combination with login mode Constants.LOGINMODE_PUBLISHER to specify the host to connect to.

LOGIN_MODE: string = "mode"

Login option: The login mode to use.
Values for this option are provided as constants with a 'LOGINMODE' prefix : Constants.LOGINMODE_PUBLISHER, Constants.LOGINMODE_GUEST_CLOUD, ...

LOGIN_PASSWORD: string = "password"

Login option: The login password.
Use in combination with login mode Constants.LOGINMODE_PUBLISHER to specify the password to use.

LOGIN_PATH_PREFIX: string = "pathPrefix"

Login option: The optional login path prefix.
This parameter should be used when the publisher is hosted behind a proxy path.
Use in combination with login mode Constants.LOGINMODE_PUBLISHER to specify the path prefix to use.

LOGIN_PUBLICATION_NAME: string = "publicationName"

Login option: The login publication name.
Use in combination with login mode Constants.LOGINMODE_PUBLISHER to specity the name of the publication to open.

LOGIN_PUBLICATION_PUBLIC_ID: string = "publicationPublicId"

Login option: The publication public identifier.
Use in combination with login mode Constants.LOGINMODE_CLOUD_GUEST to specify the publication to open.

LOGIN_PUBLISHER_API_VERSION: string = "publisherApiVersion"

Login option: The login publisher api version.
Use number '2' as a value to force a login to the flash publisher.
Use number '3' as a value to force a login to the html5 publisher.
Lease unspecified to try html5 first with a fallback on flash.

LOGIN_USERNAME: string = "username"

Login option: The login username.
Use in combination with login mode Constants.LOGINMODE_PUBLISHER to specify the username to use.

RENDER_MODE_2D: string = "2d"

The 2D render mode

RENDER_MODE_3D: string = "3d"

The 3D render mode

RENDER_MODE_PHOTO_OBLIQUE: string = "photo_oblique"

The oblique photo render mode

RENDER_MODE_PHOTO_PLANAR: string = "photo_uav"

The planar/nadir photo render mode

RENDER_MODE_PHOTO_SPHERICAL: string = "photo_spherical"

The spherical photo render mode

RENDER_MODE_SLICE: string = "slice"

The oblique photo render mode

SDK_DATE: string = "2022.05.01."

The build date of the SDK

SDK_VERSION: string = "22.5.0"

The version of the SDK

SETTING_GESTURE_PRESET: string = "gesturePreset"

Identifies the setting to apply a gesture preset. Possible values are : 'google', 'orbit', 'ocp' or 'itwin'.

SETTING_GROUND_HEIGHT: string = "groundHeight"

Identifies the setting for overriding ground height

SETTING_SYNCHRONIZE_REFERENCE_FROM_VIEWS: string = "synchronizeReferenceFromViews"

Identifies the setting to synchronize the reference view when one of the views changes.

SETTING_SYNCHRONIZE_VIEWS: string = "synchronizeViews"

Identifies the setting to synchronize views.

SETTING_SYNCHRONIZE_VIEWS_FROM_REFERENCE: string = "synchronizeViewsFromReference"

Identifies the setting to synchronize the views when the reference view changes.

SET_FOCUS_ERROR_NO_PHOTO_FOUND: string = "no_photo_found"

The set-focus error when a view failed to find a photo for the given focus coordinate.

SLICE_MODE_FREE_3POINTS: string = "12"

The mode for creating a slice with 3 clicks This slice mode requires you to also specify Constants.STARTUP_SLICE_POINT1, Constants.STARTUP_SLICE_POINT2 and Constants.STARTUP_SLICE_POINT3.


The mode for creating a horizontal slice with 1 click
This slice mode requires you to also specify Constants.STARTUP_SLICE_POINT1.


The mode for creating a horizontal slice with 3 clicks This slice mode requires you to also specify Constants.STARTUP_SLICE_POINT1, Constants.STARTUP_SLICE_POINT2 and Constants.STARTUP_SLICE_POINT3.


The mode for creating a vertical slice with 2 clicks This slice mode requires you to also specify Constants.STARTUP_SLICE_POINT1 and Constants.STARTUP_SLICE_POINT2.

STARTUP_ADD_MAPOBJECT_RESOURCE_PROPERTIES: string = "startupAddMapobjectResourceProperties"

Startup option: Add extra resource properties to resource-related MapObject instances (field-of-view or footprints).
The value for this startup option should be boolean.

  • If a MapObject has its resourceId property filled in, the following resource metadata will be copied to the MapObject's properties if available : collection_start, collection_stop, copyright, copyright_url.
  • A field 'name' will be added with the resource name.
  • If available, a field 'description' will be added with the resource description.
STARTUP_APP_STATE: string = "appState"

Startup option: The initial state of the application at startup.
The value for this startup option should be a serialized state string, previously provided by the Viewer3DM.onAppStateChanged signal.

STARTUP_AUTO_LOGIN: string = "autoLogin"

Startup option: Automatically login using a set of login credentials.
Setting this startup option disables the login panel and only allows the user to retry the autologin credentials.
The value for this startup option should be an AMap instance containing the various LOGIN_xxx settings.

STARTUP_CRS: string = "crs"

Startup option: Set the EPSG code of the SDK Communication CRS. This CRS is used by the SDK when returning geometry data (default is Constants.CRS_WGS84)

STARTUP_DIRECTION: string = "startupDirection"

Startup option: Startup camera direction when opening an Oblique photo by position.
Values for this option are : N, E, S or W.

STARTUP_FOCUS_POSITION: string = "startupFocusPosition"

Startup option: Startup focus position for a view.
Override the focus position on all views, when opening a workspace.
The value for this startup option should be a Coordinate instance.
Every view will bring this position into view (opening the closest or best photo as needed).

STARTUP_FOV: string = "startupFov"

Startup option: Startup horizontal field-of-view for Spherical Views.
The value for this startup option should be an number.

STARTUP_PAN: string = "startupPan"

Startup option: Startup pan angle for Spherical and 3D Views.
This overrides the workspace configuration or pan angle derived from STARTUP_FOCUS_POSITION.
The value for this startup option should be :

  • A Number : This pan/heading angle will be applied on all 3D and Spherical Views.
  • The string value driving direction : This will be applied on all Spherical Views and reset the heading to driving direction.
STARTUP_PHOTO_ID: string = "startupPhotoId"

Startup option: Startup photo position for a photo view.
The value for this startup option should be a string. This option can only be used as an option for addViewWithOptions.

STARTUP_PIXELSIZE: string = "startupSlicePixelsize"

Startup option: Startup pixelsize for Slice Views (expressed in meter/pixel).
The value for this startup option should be an number.

STARTUP_PRESET_LOGIN: string = "presetLogin"

Startup option: Preset a set of login credentials.
Presets the login panel fields with the credentials provided.
The value for this startup option should be an AMap instance containing the various LOGIN_xxx settings.

STARTUP_ROLL: string = "startupSliceRoll"

Startup option: Startup roll angle for Slice Views.
The value for this startup option should be an number.

STARTUP_SKIP_VIEWS: string = "startupSkipViews"

Startup option: Skip opening views on viewer startup.
The value for this startup option should be a boolean.
Use this option if you want to focus the viewer on a specific coordinate, but also want to know if all views were successfully focused.
To do that first set this option, then wait for the onWorkspaceOpened signal to dispatch. After that, call the setFocusPosition() function and use the returned promise.

STARTUP_SLICE_MODE: string = "startupSliceMode"

Startup option: Startup slice mode for Slice Views.
If this mode is specified, a slice is constructed using 1 to 3 points, to be specified using Constants.STARTUP_SLICE_POINT1, etc...
Values for this option are provided as constants with a 'SLICE_MODE_' prefix : Constants.SLICE_MODE_HORIZONTAL_1POINT, Constants.SLICE_MODE_VERTICAL_2POINTS, ...

STARTUP_SLICE_POINT1: string = "startupSlicePoint1"

Startup option: First point for creating a slice view.
The value for this startup option should be a Coordinate.

STARTUP_SLICE_POINT2: string = "startupSlicePoint2"

Startup option: Second point for creating a slice view.
The value for this startup option should be a Coordinate.

STARTUP_SLICE_POINT3: string = "startupSlicePoint3"

Startup option: Third point for creating a slice view.
The value for this startup option should be a Coordinate.

STARTUP_SLICE_THICKNESS: string = "startupSliceThickness"

Startup option: Startup slice thickness for Slice Views (expressed in cm).
The value for this startup option should be an number.

STARTUP_THROTTLE_ANIMATION_SIGNALS: string = "throttleAnimationSignals"

Startup option: Controls whether signal dispatches are throttled during animations.
This option limits the maximum frequency of dispatches of the onFieldOfViewsChanged signal to one per 100ms. The value for this startup option should be a boolean instance (default is false).

STARTUP_TILT: string = "startupTilt"

Startup option: Startup tilt angle for Spherical and 3D Views.
The value for this startup option should be an number.

STARTUP_USE_SHADOW_DOM: string = "useShadowDom"

Startup option: Force use of the shadow dom (enabled by default if the browser supports it)

STARTUP_VIEW_POSITION: string = "startupViewPosition"

Startup option: Startup view position for a view.
The value for this startup option should be a Coordinate instance. This option can only be used as an option for the addViewWithOptions() and setFocusWithOptions() functions and only affects 3D or UAV views.